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Thursday, 16 May 2013

No arrest for post on social sites without permission in Information and Technology Act.section 66A.

The Supreme Court on Thursday ordered that no person should be arrested for posting “objectionable” comments on networking sites sans permission from senior police officers.
-with resouces: The Deccan Herald.

No person should be arrested for posting objectionable comments on social networking sites, without permission from senior police officers, the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday.


S U P R E M E   C O U R T   O F   I N D I A
                         RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
                WRIT PETITION (CRL) NO.167 OF 2012

SHREYA SINGHAL                                    Petitioner(s)


U.O.I.                                            Respondent(s)

Date: 15/05/2013  This Petition was mentioned today.

                         (VACATION BENCH)

Pornography On The Net.

Pornography On The Net.

The growth of technology has flip side to it causing multiple problems in everyday life. Internet has provided a medium for the facilitation of crimes like pornography. Cyber porn as it is popularly called is widespread. Almost 50% of the web sites exhibit pornographic material on the Internet today. Pornographic materials can be reproduced more quickly and cheaply on new media like hard disks, floppy discs and CD-Roms. The new technology is not merely an extension of the existing forms like text, photographs and images. Apart from still pictures and images, full motion video clips and complete movies are also available. Another great disadvantage with a media like this is its easy availability and accessibility to children who can now log on to pornographic web-sites from their own houses in relative anonymity and the social and legal deterrents associated with physically purchasing an adult magazine from the stand are no longer present. Furthermore, there are more serious offences which have universal disapproval like child pornography and far easier for offenders to hide and propagate through the medium of the internet.

Alteration And Destruction Of Digital Information.

Alteration And Destruction Of Digital Information.

The corruption and destruction of digital information is the single largest menace facing the world of computers. This is introduced by a human agent with the help of various programmes which have been described in detail below as follows:
Virus Just as a virus can infect the human immunity system there exist programs, which, can destroy or hamper computer systems. A computer virus is a programme designed to replicate and spread, generally with the victim being oblivious to its existence. Computer viruses spread by attaching themselves to programmes like word processor or spreadsheets or they attach themselves to the boot sector of a disk. When an infected file is activated or when the computer is started from an infected disk, the virus itself is also executed.

Fraud on the internet.

Fraud On The Internet,

This is a form of white collar crime. Internet fraud is a common type of crime whose growth has been proportionate to the growth of internet itself. The internet provides companies and individuals with the opportunity of marketing their products on the net. It is easy for people with fraudulent intention to make their messages look real and credible. There are innumerable scams and frauds most of them relating to investment schemes and have been described in detail below as follows:
1 Online investment newsletters
2 Bulletin boards
3 E-mail scams
4 Credit card fraud
5 Making available digital signature for fraudulent purpose 

Security Related Crimes under Information and Technology Act 2000.

Security Related Crimes

With the growth of the internet, network security has become a major concern. Private confidential information has become available to the public. Confidential information can reside in two states on the network. It can reside on the physical stored media, such as hard drive or memory or it can reside in the transit across the physical network wire in the form of packets. These two information states provide opportunities for attacks from users on the internal network, as well as users on the Internet.
1 Network Packet Sniffers
2 IP Spoofing
3 Password attacks
4 Distribution of sensitive internal information to external sources:
5 Man-in-the-middle-attacks

Hacking is offence under Information and Technology Act 2000.


It is the most common type of Cyber crime being committed across the world. Hacking has been defined in section 66 of The Information Technology Act, 2000 as follows "whoever with the intent to cause or knowing that he is likely to cause wrongful loss or damage to the public or any person destroys or deletes or alters any information residing in a computer resource or 
diminishes its value or utility or affects it injuriously by any means commits hacking"

Meaning of Spoofing,email spoofing.

Meaning of Spoofing.

E-mail spoofing is the forgery of an e-mail header so that the message appears to have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source. Distributors of spamoften use spoofing in an attempt to get recipients to open, and possibly even respond to, their solicitations. Spoofing can be used legitimately. Classic examples of senders who might prefer to disguise the source of the e-mail include a sender reporting mistreatment by a spouse to a welfare agency or a "whistle-blower" who fears retaliation. However, spoofing anyone other than yourself is illegal in some jurisdictions.
